
Citizens Defending Freedom is an organization that empowers and equips American citizens to defend their freedoms and liberties at the local level. By streamlining and simplifying activism, we support and champion American citizens who want to stand up for their independence.


Melinda Preston
Melinda Preston
Executive Director
Joy Preston
Joy Preston
Administrative Assistant
Jason Hanson
Jason Hanson
Faith Division Leader
Rich Wilson
Rich Wilson
Freedom Division Lead
Donna Smith
Donna Smith
Education Division Leader
Carol Adams
Carol Adams
Board of Directors
Justin Harville
Justin Harville
Board of Directors
Don Gooch
Don Gooch
Board of Directors
Kim Hanson
Kim Hanson
Board of Directors
Dan Thomas
Dan Thomas
Media Division Leader
Greg Bartels
Greg Bartels
Research and Analysis
Vladimir de Franceschi
Vladimir de Franceschi
Research and Analysis


Prayer Warriors Wanted!


Prayer Warriors Needed at ISD and City Council Meetings!

I recently had a conversation with a councilman from Corinth. He shared that he believed much of the success in keeping their city conservative was due to four intercessors who came to every City Council meeting and prayed. They didn't get up to speak, they sat there quietly and interceded. That got me thinking about the need for intercessors to pray at every City Council meeting and ISD meeting in Denton County. Daunting as this task seems, I believe this would be the answer to many of the situations in our cities and schools. Please be in prayer and on the lookout for those in your community who have a heart for God who would be willing to go to their local School Board and City Council meetings and pray. Please consider taking an evening or two a month to go to the council meetings in or close to where you live. The links below are lists of the ISDsĀ  and Cities in Denton County and Sign Up forms for you to sign up. Bring a friend and pray together!  

Click Here for ISD Information

Click Here for City Council Information



Denton County Commissioners Court Passed A Border Resolution

Denton County Commissioners Court Passed A Border Resolution

Denton County Wins

Denton County Wins


the time is now

Citizens Defending Freedom believes in upholding all fundamental freedoms, as outlined in our founding documents: The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Federalist Papers.

When we join together, we become a mighty voice and strong force within our local communities. Help us initiate change!