Keith Gross, Candidate for US Senate from Florida was in Fernandina Beach

Not many people knew that Keith Gross, Candidate for US Senate, was in Fernandina Beach last week.  He is in the process of touring the state to get the word out.  One attendee wrote some observations of the event where this America First candidate spoke to locals.  Voters need to know who is running and what they stand for to make informed votes.

On Wednesday, 3/13, we had the opportunity to meet Florida Senate Candidate, Keith Gross, who is running for the seat currently occupied by incumbent Senator Rick Scott.  Keith is traveling the state of Florida by bus, so he can meet and greet the citizens in a grassroots effort to introduce himself and listen to the concerns of the people.

The evening was kicked off by his staff, who seem well organized and very friendly.  Then Keith came out and introduced himself.  He is a native Floridian, hailing from the panhandle and currently residing in Melbourne.  He told the group that he was raised by a single mother, in a trailer, who knows what living in poor conditions are like.  He put himself through school and is the definition of the American Dream.  He created  companies that really took off. When he was younger, he thought he was more of a Democrat, but once he became a businessman, owning and running his own companies, he quickly realized that he aligned with Republican values.  He served in the National Guard and wants to restore our military.

After seeing where this country is heading, he said he could not sit by and not get involved.  He sold his businesses to raise money to self-fund his campaign to unseat Rick Scott.  He strongly believes in the Constitution and is firmly standing on State’s rights to govern its own people. He opposes funding of Foreign Lands and wars and is adamant our borders must be closed.  He is against CRT and wants freedom from indoctrination in the classrooms of Florida.

He took many questions from the audience and answered each with thoughtful responses.  He spoke of the crippling debt of this country and the inflation that is breaking the back of the American people.  He spoke about election integrity and the need to get foreign owned machines out of America’s Elections.  He acknowledges that he is in a fight against the establishment GOP, but he intends to fight to the end in hopes of representing the everyday Floridan against the lobby machine of DC.  He is obviously an American First Candidate.  For further information go to