
Citizens Defending Freedom is an organization that empowers and equips American citizens to defend their freedoms and liberties at the local level. By streamlining and simplifying activism, we support and champion American citizens who want to stand up for their independence.


Isabella Rodriguez
Isabella Rodriguez
Executive Director
Alan Chovel
Alan Chovel
Deputy Director


Conservative Organization Sues School Board Over Sex Ed Curriculum
by ZAC HOWARD at The Florida Standard
Miami Beach Schools Rebelling Against Nixing of ‘LGBT History Month’
by Jannis Falkenstern at The Epoch Times
Miami Beach Schools Rebelling Against Nixing of ‘LGBT History Month’
by Jannis Falkenstern at THE EPOCH TIMES
Miami-Dade rejects sex-ed textbook in test of state’s anti-LGBTQ law
by Anne Branigin at The Washington Post


Miami-Dade County Interfaith Advisory Board (IAB) Update

On 11.29.22 The Miami-Dade team shined the light on the Miami-Dade Interfaith Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB is composed of local faith leaders appointed by County Commissioners to liaison between the County's community's of faith and the County Commission. The IAB ventured out of its lane when it sought to issue a public position statement opposing HB-5 which limits abortion to 15 weeks in the state of Florida. Some individual IAB members went as far as to file lawsuits against the State, seeking to abolish HB-5. The IAB's statement referenced religious freedom violations which it claimed protect the freedom of some religions which at times not only permit abortion, but purportedly require it. CCDF engaged in a public awareness campaign rallying citizens to speak against issuance of the statement and rallied local media attention to the meeting. Miami-Dade's Executive Director also put the IAB on notice of statutory Sunshine Law violations relating to the drafting of the statement. As a result, the IAB voted to withdraw and to not issue the statement. A win for our most vulnerable; the unborn.


CCDF Miami-Dade identified a potential breach and sent a letter to the Miami-Dade Superintendent, School Board Attorney and School Board members serving as Notice & Warning of Potential Statutory and School Board Policy Violations. CCDF identified that despite the decision officialized by the Miami-Dade County School Board at the Regular School Board meeting of Wednesday, September 7, 2022, during which agenda Item H-11 (to recognize the month of October as LGBTQ history and teach LGBTQ history) failed by a vote of 8-1; on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, the Commission of the City of Miami Beach passed and adopted a resolution under Agenda Item C7 AQ to:
  • urge Parent-Teacher Associations and/or organizations to adopt the attached sample Resolution declaring October, 2022 as LGBTQ History Month
  • urge principals of individual schools within Miami-Dade County to recognize October, 2022 as LGBTQ History Month, and to acknowledge and teach LGBTQ history
All parties involved where given notice of their complicities in potential violations of up to 10 Florida Statute sections primarily relating to Parental Rights and age-appropriateness of instructional materials and other materials associated with the initiative. CCDF requested the initiation of an investigation into the matter and assurance that the It is the duty of the MDCPS Superintendent of Schools and the MDCPS School Board to initiate an investigation into this matter. All City of Miami Beach officials, Miami Beach Education Advisory board members, and the principals of every school in Miami Beach where carbon copied in the letter.


As part of our Education Oversight initiatives, in April of this year we discovered that our School Board was adopting two Human Reproduction and Disease Education textbooks for Middle School and High School curriculum. A thorough review of the books identification of content that violates Florida State law due to violation of parental rights, lack of age-appropriateness, and lack of scientific and biological accuracy. In addition, our review of the Committee process that resulted in the recommendation of these books to the School Board, found that this entire process was executed in a manner that resulted in little to no parental or community involvement, to a degree which gravely violates Florida Sunshine Law. CCDF proceed to shine the light and facilitate civic engagement for County Citizens to officially object to the adoption of the books. This process along with CCDF’s work to inform of our School Board members of the legal implications of proceeding with the adoption of these books, resulted in the School Board’s decision to rescind adoption of the books on July 20, 2022. Per state law; this decision was final and not subject to further petition or review. On July 28, the School Board called an emergency meeting to rescind the previous week’s action and re-adopt the books. CCDF has acted in good faith and taken every step to address this issue in an amicable manner with our School Board. These elected officials’ actions leave us no choice but to proceed with the final step of our process, which is to take definitive legal action.

Miami-Dade School Board Votes in Line with Parental Rights Laws and Local Parental and Community Values in an 8-1 vote to oppose recognition and observance of LGBTQ History month and curriculum

After a thorough review of Agenda Item H-11 which sought to observe and recognize the month of October as LGBTQ History month, and implement curriculum on Supreme Court decisions guaranteeing same sex marriage; we found the agenda item to be lacking in legal sufficiency in relation to age-appropriateness of instructional and supplemental materials, the usurpation of parental rights, absence of opt-out provisions, and the fact that materials and resources that were to be used in a district-wide initiative were not suitable to the students needs, and to their ability to comprehend them. All of which are protected and provided for by Florida Statutes For these reasons, CCDF-USA facilitated a process for parents and community members to officially voice their opposition to this agenda item. This process along with CCDF-USA’s work to put our School Board members on notice of the legal implications of voting in favor of and implanting item H-11, resulted in a 8-1 majority vote by the Miami-Dade County School Board, causing the item to fail. CCDF-USA and many Miami-Dade parents and residents are relieved and encouraged by this decision as a step towards an increased focus on Foundational Learning with an emphasis on alignment with local parental and community values, as well as a stronger focus on statutory compliance.

the time is now

Citizens Defending Freedom believes in upholding all fundamental freedoms, as outlined in our founding documents: The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Federalist Papers.

When we join together, we become a mighty voice and strong force within our local communities. Help us initiate change!